For those lucky ones who still have their Amiga computers or at least an emulator such as WinUAE:
- Download "M_A.lha"
- Extract files from archive (Using either LHA or LHARC, if you don't have those already I'm sure you'll find 'em at Aminet).
- To do so, open a "Shell" or "CLI" window. Type the following command according to the archiver you're using:
lha x your_harddisk:your_drawer/M_A.lha destination_disk:destination_drawer/
lharc x your_harddisk:your_drawer/M_A.lha destination_disk:destination_drawer/
(your_harddisk:your_drawer/ is the destination where you have saved M_A.lha to, and destination_disk:destination_drawer is where you want to save the animnation to. RAM: would be a good idea, if you have at least 2 MB of it.)
- The animation will be extracted to a new drawer named "M_A", you may have to confirm the creation of new drawers, if you are using LHARC.
- You can start the animation right from "Shell" or "CLI", to do so, change to the newly created drawer:
cd destination_disk:destination_drawer/M_A/
and execute "Martian_Arts":
execute martian_arts
- Or you can open the destination drawer from Workbench. Unfortunately, the newly created drawer "M_A" won't have an icon, but you'll find an icon labeled "Martian_Arts" inside, you can start the animation by double-clicking it.
   If you have any questions, complaints, comments, suggestions... please send me an e-mail!